Supporting the incarcerated.

Prison Ministry.

In support of the On the Rise Bakery—sponsored by the Capuchin Soup Kitchen—we conduct a Thanksgiving pie sale in November and have the Reaching Our Potential Everyday (ROPE program visit in our Gathering Space every spring.

ROPE focuses on helping those who have recently been released from prison or completed substance abuse treatment. The program teaches baking skills and provides a safe and supportive environment for each person to regain their life.

We are also hoping to expand this ministry by conducting clothing drives of socks, coats, and cleaning supplies to help those who are seeking a fresh start.

If you are interested in participating in this ministry, call the Parish Office at 586-977-8080.

Save the date.

On The Rise Bakery Visits
CANCELLED: June 20-21, 2020 in the Fr. Page Activity Center before and after all Masses.